

This document is a summary report of psychological research conducted to evaluate efficacy of program "Wakacje z pasją". The program was made by TDJ Foundation during 1 week period for participats repeated in several sesion. Project occured in July 2019.

Purpose of the study and variables

Purpose of this study was to examine how the program, and overall foundation activity impacts on psychological construct of members. In this study several variables were considered:
1. Self-Esteem measured by 10-point Rosenberg Scale and polish translation of KINDL for younger participants.
2. Self-Efficacy measured by KOMP-OS
3. Locus of control measured by LOC questionnaire.


Table on the right contains t-Student test between first measurement (in the begining of the program), and second measurement (at the end of the program). Last column informs if difference between this two measurement is statistically significant - in other words - if we observed any change of particular aspect during the program.


Table on the right contains t-Student test between participant who were engaged in some part of activity and who did not.

% of people improved

On the plot on the right you can see percentage of participants who had higher or the same result on the second measurement (eg. 100 participats had results higher or same in the second measurement and 50 had worse results on the secon measurement. Result is 100/150 = 66%).
Values more than 50% means improvement. Plots above have the same calculations but with sex and age as grouping factor for better insights.

Gain between measures

On the plot on the there is a ratio between second and first measurement minus 1. This ratio presents average gain between measurement (eg. if on second measurement result is 6.00 and on first 5, the result will be 6/5 - 1 = 0.2 = 20%
Values more than 0% means improvement. Plots above have the same calculations but with sex and age as grouping factor for better insights.

Measurement reliability

Table on the right shows Cronbach Alpha coeficient. It is one of mesuement of realability in psychology. It can take value from 0 to 1, the bigger is usually better. Values over 0,6 are acceptable, over 0,7 satisfactory, over 0,8 very good.